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The Accra/Pokuase road project is one of the Government's road infrastructure projects ongoing in Ghana. The main Contractor, Zhong Mei is carrying out pavement and drainage works. We are proud to join them in constructing these monumental walls first of their kind in Ghana. Constructing walls of heights ranging from 1m to 6m, this project is our biggest so far. 

At George Newyear Construction, we continue to push the boundaries with precast concrete units, especially with the segmental retaining wall blocks. Working with very potent Engineers and Architects, we will continue to be innovative in developing new products to make our construction works easier. 




Pokuase, Accra



Product Type

Newyear RT


Landscape and Architecture  |  Storm Drain Works  |  Headwalls and WingWalls

Stability, speed, economical

Our retaining wall block units are among some of the heaviest and most stable units in the world and the first in Ghana. With a face area of 0.12m2 and twice as deep as they are high, the blocks provide a low stable center of gravity for each unit during construction and finished wall. the stability of our block units combined with industry grade geogrid reinforcement, our walls can achieve a height of over 10m.
The blocks have an inbuilt level course system to accommodate any kind of geogrid. The engineered setback between each unit ensures that the overturning moment is significantly reduced again resisting moments. All our walls have a higher resisting moment against overturning moments. This helps to improve the stability of the retaining wall. 

Project Gallery

Pokuase Project Gallery
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