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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a geogrid reinforced wall?
This is a type of wall that uses layers of reinforcement grid to tie blocks and backfill soil together to form a larger and heavier wall.
What is Segmental retaining wall(SRW)?
This is a wall that consists of concrete block units interlocking with each other, they are constructed without mortar and are used to retain the slope face of soil.
Can I build a fence wall on top of your retaining wall?
Our RT block system is designed to carry additional weights such as fence walls, parking lots, Street furniture. We do reinforce such walls to support wind loading from the fence.
What is gravity retaining wall?
A gravity retaining wall is designed to rely solely on its weight to stand. The engineering behind our gravity wall system combines the basic engineering principles of Angle of wall batter, total unit weight and simple mechanics to construct highly stable gravity walls. The weight of both block and chippings in the cores of the block combine to become the weight of the wall.
How much do New year Retaining wall blocks weigh?
Our blocks are available in different weights, from 14kg, 33kg to 46kg per unit. The heavy blocks are designed for higher walls.
What is a tiered wall?
When two or more low wall are built instead of one high wall, this is termed tiered wall. The lower wall is built leaving an area in-between lower and upper wall for landscaping or planting.
When do I need reinforcement?
One main thing to consider for reinforced walls is the weight of soil behind which is to be retained.
What is setback?
When the retaining wall leans on the hill which it is retaining, this is called setback. The blocks are engineered to rest on the fill material behind the wall thereby shifting the centre of gravity away from each block course. The creates an angle of 3,6, 12, and 14 degrees from the vertical. This helps to control lateral earth pressure occurring at the bottom of the wall. Bigger setbacks provide better stability and require less reinforcement. However, bigger setbacks require more space to build but will be more stable with a higher factor of safety.
Can I install lighting in the walls?
The answer is “Yes.” Lights can be built into the wall to provide beautiful ambience or add safety lighting along stairways
What is sliding wedge
The wedge is defined at the soil which extends beyond the failure plane of the soil type present onsite. This can be calculated once the frictional angle of the soils is known. Increasing the setback reduces the wedge thus lowering lateral earth pressure on the retaining wall.
Should I use mortar between the units?
We do not recommend the use of mortar. The Blocks are designed to self-lock, thus not needing any bonding material. Mortarless construction allows the walls to be flexible and accommodate minor earth movement without the wall being damaged.
How do you control drainage behind the wall?
The hollow core design combined with mortarless construction allows water behind the wall to drain freely. The dry-stacked construction process allows incidental water to escape by flowing around the blocks and out to the wall face. Please visit our website’s videos page to watch the “Hydrostatics build-up control” video.
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